接踵而來的難題,nio該如何振作起來? nio不是天才,卻擁有設計師最需具備的熱忱及勇往直前的傻勁,因為這股認真及執著的態度,讓他在短短一年的工作時機,經歷了設計師的24種歷練,逐漸成長茁壯成為可以獨當一面的設計師。
創新設計 ■ 內頁改革,每頁都具書籤與記錄功能,只需往上一翻即可,使用方便。解決找不到便利貼,內容分項又多的問題, ■ 大刀闊斧的讓內頁每頁都有bookmark,同時讓手記本多了立體表情。 ■ 多功能書衣設計,除延長手記本的保存時間,並增加貼心的口袋與頁檔。 ■ 紙張輕薄適合素描、色鉛筆、粗原子筆。 系列5款 - 心碎 / 抱肝 / 小確幸 / 瓶頸 / 樂活
designer nio’s 24 hours
nio is not a genius, but has the gift of designer which is enthusiasm
and courage. With serious and persistent attitude, he has completed 24
kinds of designer’s experience after only one year working period, and
becomes a senior designer.
Innovation design handbooks, each page with bookmark function, easy to use.
Multi-functional book clothes with card pocket and page stop, designing
for protecting and longer using your lovely handbooks.
5 covers : heart break / workaholic / bravo / bottleneck / la vie est tellment belle
![水越設計, designer nio, 水越菜裊設計師手記本](../../UserFiles/Image/product/designer%20nio/design24web.gif)